Face Reading for Advanced AnalysisAdvanced Face Reading builds upon the knowledge acquired in Mian Xiang Mastery 1, with particular reference to the 100 Year Map of the Face (i.e. the 100 Positions). Crucial techniques detailed in Mian Xiang classics such as the Shen Xiang Quan Pian and Shen Xiang Tie Guan Dao are extracted and taught to students in simple terminology and language without sacrificing actual meaning and depth, allowing students to gain more profound insights into what they learn.- Fortify your artillery to ensure success
Learn how to truly judge a book by its cover.
In this time-strapped era, we are all of us guilty of making snap decisions and summary judgments of other people based on the way they look. Think of all the missed opportunities we've had based on wrongly judging someone. But judging someone by their face is human nature; we've done it since time immemorial. Since we all do it anyway, why not learn to do it correctly, so that we can understand how best to interact with people, especially those who may be catalysts for our career trajectory?
Learn how to optimise opportunities and deal with people just by knowing how to read their faces. The ancient art of Mian Xiang, once the exclusive domain of Chinese emperors, is now available for you to master. Equip yourself with the necessary tools and skills to competently face read and make every face your fortune!
In Mian Xiang, a person's face is more than what he or she shows the world; it's also a virtual map of this person's potential and destiny in life. It allows you to gain insight into the personality, strengths, weaknesses and potential of another person, just by analyzing the person's face. It also allows you to derive an in-depth glimpse into the health, wealth, career, relationship and fortune of a person
What you get from the Homestudy course on Mian Xiang:- Gain profound insight into personality, strengths, weaknesses and potential of another person just by analyzing this person's face.
- Derive an in-depth glimpse into the health, wealth, career, relationship and fortune aspects (in particular) based on a person's face.
- More fairly and objectively 'gauge' others - even if only based on first impressions - as Mian Xiang is a very highly-structured, time-tested field of study.
- Master practical, useful Face Reading techniques that can be applied in your day-to-day dealings with people.